Over the last few years, I have become very sceptical of things that create distraction and anxiety.

Especially when they come from email and social media.

As you may or may not know, I removed all social media apps and email from my phone a few months ago and it has been absolutely amazing.

My phone is a phone for contacting people and a camera/microphone to document stuff. (And a way to check facts when the kids ask me a question I don't know the answer to).

But, removing social media and emails from my phone hasn't removed the other issue and distractions that I feel from social expectations. "Have I replied to that message? Is it a friend's birthday soon? I haven't posted on social media for a while!"

So I still check my emails and some socials when I am on my computer.

Mostly, because I am worried that I will miss something of importance or just be completely inundated with more "work".

I thought I could handle checking during my work time on my desktop but it creates another problem, which Beau Miles sums up beautifully,

'Before I got to the workshop I made a huge mistake and popped into the office to check my emails and I was in two minds for the rest of the day. I wasn't properly focused on my work' (I am paraphrasing here)

When we check our emails and socials we are in two minds for the rest of that working period.

If I check my emails when I am composing I am no longer completely focused on my writing but also thinking about those replies and admin duties I "have" to do.

So what to do about it?

The first step is to stick to the practice of inbox zero, which means dealing with emails at set times, where I actually go through emails properly and don't just look through them. The ultimate goal - having no, or hardly any emails in my inbox.

Then I need to set other people's expectations and be clear about my boundaries.

I need to have an out-of-office on ALL THE TIME that states something like,

"I only check my emails once a week so I will get back to you as soon as I can"

I think that will work...

I think I need that on all my social DMs too: "I am not actively using these accounts so please don't expect a quick reply" type of thing.

By setting my own boundaries and other people's expectations I think this should alleviate a lot of my email/social-induced stress.

I am going to set my OOO right now.

📺 I’m Watching…

David Attenborough's Life in Colour. I'm gonna say what we are all thinking. David Attenborough's TV shows are the TV-show equivalent of a warm hot chocolate by the fire with a nice bedtime story. Me, Debs and the kids LOVE them!

📖 I’m Reading...

Hegarty on Creativity. This is actually a weird one for me as I don't think the author comes across well. He even makes a few points that I disagree with BUT he does make some points I totally agree with, like using Juxtaposition, Zagging, and his thoughts on Storytelling. Despite my misgivings, this is a nice little insight into the mind of a huge influencer in the world of advertising.

🎹 I’m Using...

The Woodland Piano. This is another brilliant free piano Kontakt instrument brought to us by Pianobook. Soft, delicate felt samples that are very versatile and totally useable.

🌟 My New Project

I have decided to start a public case study. I signed up for the Music Marketing Manifesto 5.0 course and have decided to put everything he says into action, publicly. I will be sharing my progress in this regularly updated blog post. I am very excited about this. The aim - to pay the bills by selling CDs! I'll be sharing the post imminently...

❝ Quote of the week:

"You can't just live someone else's expectation of a traditional business. You have to just do whatever you love the most, or you'll lose interest in the whole thing." - Derek Sivers in Anything You Want

Want to learn more from me? Check out my online video courses

The Ultimate Trailer Music Bundle Learn everything there is to learn about Trailer Music

The Trailer Music CourseThe perfect course to get you started writing trailer music

Trailer Music for BeginnersLearn to create trailer music with nothing but FREE samples