The Sun Is Always Shining Behind The Clouds
Here in England we have a habit of describing the weather using negative words, especially if it is anything but sunny. Can we learn a lesson from looking at the weather in a more positive way?...
Bite sized self help, motivation and inspiration for composers. If you are a fan of personal development then you will enjoy these little shows.
Here in England we have a habit of describing the weather using negative words, especially if it is anything but sunny. Can we learn a lesson from looking at the weather in a more positive way?...
Making music everyday is like putting pennies in the piggie bank. If you look after the pennies then the pounds will look after themselves. The music you create may not seem like it is making any direct change to your income of financial situation but over time it will become...
Why do we even bother to do those things that we know are god for us; exercise, meditation, positive relationships, service etc. As Matt Haig said, because they are "weapons for the war that subsides but can always ignite again" * <audio controls src="https://feeds.podetize....
I am very often speaking negatively of social media and it's potential effects on my own mental health and overall contentment. I recently encountered a way to actually get a genuine feeling of community and connection out of it. I'm always telling my kids that "...
The book 'The Big Leap' [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Big-Leap-Conquer-Hidden-Level-ebook/dp/B0026772QU/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1625823014&sr=8-1] by Gay Hendricks exposed me to something that I had never heard of but had encountered too many times to count. Upper...
Opportunity rarely takes the form you expect it. When you ask the universe for something, be ready for whatever comes your way because the golden ticket might not look that that at first glance! <audio controls src="https://feeds.podetize.com/ep/2QAVgRrEjD/media"></audio&...
I believe that we are all channels for continuous inspiration and ideas. That inspiration is flowing through us every single second of every single day. The problem is that we perceive blocks that prevent us from utilising this flow. There is a simple way to push past these blocks. <...
Andy Bernard in the TV show, the American Office once said, "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them". I think I have an answer to that question! <audio controls src="...
Leading a fulfilling life is a constant effort of balance and awareness. The two aspects that I believe are extremely important for you to focus on as creative people are creation and experiences. Specifically choosing experiences that will feed you soul and inspire you to create art you believe in....