Richard Pryn

Richard Pryn

Hey guys. I am a trailer music composer. Podcaster. Illustrator. Writer. Educator. Husband. Father. And a huge fan of coffee

536 posts
BRAAAMS - How To Use The Sound That Everyone Knows

BRAAAMS - How To Use The Sound That Everyone Knows

We have all heard these distinctive sounds so many times and probably in every single trailer over the last decade. But what are Braaams? Braaams explained? Braaams are those long low brassy sounds used within trailer music that are used to accent certain parts of the track. They usually consist...

What Is A Metronome?

What Is A Metronome?

If you’re a musician or even just familiar with music in general, then you’ve probably heard of a metronome. These handy time-keeping devices are a core piece of equipment that every musician needs, and are incredibly useful for all sorts of reasons. But what exactly are metronomes, and...

What Does 808 Mean?

What Does 808 Mean?

The 808 is one of the most famous sounds in modern music. Originally a drum sound that was invented in the 80s, it’s astounding that it’s still a sound that many want to achieve and use in their tracks today. For example, 808s are a staple in trap...

What Does DAW Stand For?

What Does DAW Stand For?

When starting out in music production, you will find that there are a ton of new terms and abbreviations for you to learn. And you will hear me using one all the time. That abbreviation is DAW but not everyone will be able to explain what it means to you...

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