I recently wrote a little manifesto/pep-talk to myself because I'd been struggling with a bout of self-doubt, which had turned into questioning my purpose. I've included it below.
Dear Rich,
I know how you feel. It’s scary to feel alone. To feel like there is no one else like you.
And you are right to feel scared because it is not easy being that other person. The person who goes against the grain; who does the things that other people don’t and who looks the way other people aren't.
We aren’t put on this earth to be the same as each other. We aren’t meant to be identical. We are meant to be individuals.
We are each here for our own special purpose. We are made the way we are made to make sure we fulfil this purpose.
That’s why you are who you are. No one person is the same as you.
You are unique. You are not better than anyone else. And they are not better than you.
Because you are different, and different is better than better!
Now you go and be you - wonderful different you!
Reading and re-reading this has really helped me get back on track and I hope it helps you too. Let me know what you think? Do you have your own version or mantra that helps you focus? I'd love to hear.
The Quiet Whisper | Issue 28
Scared to be Different
🎬 I´m watching

The Mandalorian - Season 3. This is one of my favourite shows on "TV" at the moment. The narrative arc of each episode is incredibly formulaic but that seems to add to my sheer enjoyment of it. Who doesn't love a Western-inspired space epic anyway?! (and I know, I am a bit late to this season)
🚨 DTF Update
This week I have been finishing the master of the second album, selecting the tracks to be in the third album, and refining the website experience!

🕺I'm Jumping to
Stacey´s Mom by Fountains of Wayne. Our kids´ school hosted a fundraiser ball with a live band at the end. I was equally shocked and excited by them playing one of my favourite 90s bands´ hits!
🛠 Simple but Important
I really do love doing these little tutorials covering what I would consider to be core elements of a DAW.

🎨 The Lost Ark Trailer Music
My track Gremlin recently landed on this update trailer for this awesome MMO. Naturally I wanted to show you all how I wrote it. It's a Dark Fantasy track - if you like this you will probably like my Dark Fantasy course.

❝ Quote of the week:
"It's better to follow your gut than pretend to be excited to follow someone else's" - May in Ted Lasso

Want to learn more from me? Check out my online video courses

The Ultimate Trailer Music Bundle → Learn everything there is to learn about Trailer Music
The Trailer Music Course → The perfect course to get you started writing trailer music
Trailer Music for Beginners → Learn to create trailer music with nothing but FREE samples
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