Richard Pryn

Richard Pryn

Hey guys. I am a trailer music composer. Podcaster. Illustrator. Writer. Educator. Husband. Father. And a huge fan of coffee

540 posts
How to Change Tempo in Logic Pro X

How to Change Tempo in Logic Pro X

the Tempo or speed of a piece of music is one of the seven core elements of music. In order to create music we need to be able to understand and control those elements. In this post, I show you how to change the tempo in Logic Pro X. Change...

The Direct-to-Fan Project

The Direct-to-Fan Project

Ever since I started out on my music career I have wanted to sell my music to my fans. I mean isn't that what we all want? The only thing is that my fans were my clients and the representatives I chose to work with; producers, publishers etc....

New Shoots & Your Creative Woodland

New Shoots & Your Creative Woodland

Imagine that our creative life is like a woodland: established ideas and patterns are the trees that dominate the landscape, and new ideas are the seedlings and saplings on the woodland floor. It’s all too easy to overlook the new shoots and seedlings that are growing beneath our feet....

Boundaries & Expectations

Boundaries & Expectations

Over the last few years, I have become very sceptical of things that create distraction and anxiety. Especially when they come from email and social media. As you may or may not know, I removed all social media apps and email from my phone a few months ago and it...

Do YOU actually want that?

Do YOU actually want that?

In this week's newsletter, I cover: * Mimetic Desire * My favourite things this week * I Wish I Read These Sooner The Quiet Whisper | Issue 23 I was reading an issue of one of my favourite newsletters, Sunday Snippets by Ali Abdaal, and was introduced to an idea that I...

What is Your USP?

What is Your USP?

The Quiet Whisper | Issue 22 What is your USP? I recently purchased the Music Marketing Manifesto 5.0 course. One of the first lessons is all about finding your unique selling proposition (USP); what is it that makes you and your offerings unique? It’s kind of finding your niche,...

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