Beyond the Echo: How Reverb Adds Depth and Emotion to Music
Reverb shapes the way we perceive sound and is one of (if not the) most powerful tools at our disposal.
I have created a bunch of articles for those times when you want to dive a little bit deeper into the "nerdy" stuff. These will help you to understand how plugins work, which mics are best, and how to polish your work.
Reverb shapes the way we perceive sound and is one of (if not the) most powerful tools at our disposal.
The piano roll started out as one of the earliest forms of recording a musical performance. These days it is an essential part of any music studio.
In this post, I show you how to add reverb in Logic Pro X. Does Logic Pro have reverb? Yes. Logic comes with several different reverb plugins built-in: * Chromaverb - an algorithm-based reverb plugin * Enverb * Silververb * Space Designer - Impulse Response convolution reverb How do I add a reverb effect?...
In this post I explain everything you need to know about Stems in music production.
I know the problem you face. You’ve written a piece of music that uses orchestral samples, like strings samples for example, and it isn’t sounding anything like the Hollywood score you hoped it would… So, how do you make your orchestra sound real? I have listed 13 ways...
If you’re relatively new to music production, it can often be quite hard to get to grips with the sheer amount of information there is to learn, as well as the complexity of some of the equipment and the various instruments. However, if you want to be successful in...
Pedals aren’t always as straightforward as they seem; not only can things turn into a quick mess but they are not exactly easy on the budget, either. If you’re looking to understand the difference between fuzz and distortion, then you’ve come to the right place. In this...
If you’re new to music production, you might have come across terms like level, volume, and gain when describing the strength of certain signals. But what are they exactly? Are they identical, and if not, what is the difference? Perhaps more importantly, what impact do they have on your...
In music, dB is a unit of measurements which is known in full as decibels. Decibels can be a bit of a harder concept to wrap your head around in terms of Music theory but can become quite simple when explained properly. A decibel is a unit that measures the...