The Quiet Whisper

The Quiet Whisper

Rich's email newsletter all about creating space for creativity, inspiration, things that feed your soul, and a little bit of quiet. To gain access to all the issues click the little button that says 'Subscribe'.

51 posts


When I was little I was sort of obsessed with taking cuttings from plants. Especially money plants. I loved the fact that you could take off one of the leaves and leave it in water and eventually, it would grow its own roots. I would then take that leaf, put...

Intangible Waves

Intangible Waves

I have been really struggling with my inner critic this week. It has been on overdrive. Almost every time I sit down to write or edit a piece of music I hear a voice saying stuff like, "This is rubbish, why do you even bother? I can't...

Silver, Gold, Platinum The Quiet Whisper


This week I want to talk about labels. I release a podcast but I don’t see myself as a podcaster. I run but I don’t see myself as a runner. I play the piano and yet I don’t see myself as a pianist. I am known as...

Blessings in Disguise

Blessings in Disguise

As you know, I am a composer by trade but I prefer to think of myself as a creative person. I like to write music but I also like to draw, play, film, write. The interesting thing is that I actually find it hard to express myself in person (verbally)...

Music In Your Heart

Music In Your Heart

I don't know about you, but all my adult life and most of my childhood I have had this burning desire to make music and to sing songs. It seemed like the only way to come close to the explosions of colour and emotion that I felt inside...

Scared to be Different

Scared to be Different

I recently wrote a little manifesto/pep-talk to myself because I'd been struggling with a bout of self-doubt, which had turned into questioning my purpose. I've included it below. Dear Rich, I know how you feel. It’s scary to feel alone. To feel like there...

An Overactive Mind

An Overactive Mind

My mind is often overactive. Some evenings I sit to relax and hear an audible click as my mind switches on. Like someone just turned on the production line at a factory. I can actually hear cogs turning and footsteps as the workers arrive. Their voices getting louder and louder....

New Shoots & Your Creative Woodland

New Shoots & Your Creative Woodland

Imagine that our creative life is like a woodland: established ideas and patterns are the trees that dominate the landscape, and new ideas are the seedlings and saplings on the woodland floor. It’s all too easy to overlook the new shoots and seedlings that are growing beneath our feet....

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